Spokane 127

Inspiring, recruiting and resourcing churches & families to foster & adopt the kids in their own backyards.

Booking appointments with Partner Churches

Whether you are a pastor or attendee, lay-leader or volunteer, Spokane127 would love to talk to you about how your church can get involved in Foster Care in Spokane County. Send an email to book an appointment with us to find out more.

Latest Foster-Adopt Community News & Events

  • Dinner’s on Us Meal Pickup Registration

    We recognize the huge effort it takes to maintain even daily tasks, like making dinner, not to mention all the extra necessary in the Fostering realm.  We’d like to support you as we can and dinner is a great place to start!

Spokane County has 895 children in out-of-home placements.

Through no fault of their own, these kids are experiencing real pain.

As followers of Christ, we are called to open our homes in hospitality to these vulnerable kids AND to support those who do.

Cute kids playing in forest

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this… that we look after orphans in their distress…”

– James 1:27

No One Can Do Everything But Everyone Can Do Something.

Will you join us and find your place in this vital work?

Next Steps…

The children in Spokane need YOU. Click the button to find ways you can get involved to help children who need loving homes, adult role models, a warm coat or just a word of encouragement. You can make a difference in these children’s lives. Where do you fit in? Click the button & explore the possibilities.

We believe in supporting Child Welfare Social Workers through acts of radical hospitality

Through our Social-LIGHT program, Spokane127 connects volunteers from local Spokane church communities to a child welfare social worker for the purpose of providing encouragement, support, and courage to continue interceding for vulnerable children.