Last Friday, Spokane127 and SpoFI were blessed to attend our first Be Bold for Jesus conference! 2023’s 5th annual conference had more than 4,000 attendees, outgrowing their previous venues in Coeur d’Alene and moving over to the Spokane Convention Center for the first time. It was great to see so many folks come out. And we had no idea it was such a wide draw. We met people from Oregon, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Canada, and even Australia!

Spokane127 invited attendees to fill out encouragement cards for local child welfare social workers in Spokane county which will be given as part of this year’s National Hospitality Week. After a very simple invitation and some basic instructions, people were very to happy to jot down a quick note of recognition, appreciation, and encouragement to the brave men and women who walk into chaotic and traumatic family situations on behalf of vulnerable kids and fragile families. If you’d like to find out more about how you can step into caring for and encouraging them with us, check out Spokane127’s Social-LIGHT program.

We also held a drawing in our booth for a brand new Yeti BLUE podcast mic and drew a winner on the Monday of this week: Noah Sutherland (pictured above). He’s not sure yet how he’s going to use his prize but he sure is glad he won. Thanks to all that participated in our drawing. We hope all who attended were blessed and encouraged to be bold in their faith in Jesus. We know that serving the least of these can often be hard, but Jesus never promise easy. In fact, he promised hard. He said in this world you WILL have trouble, but that we should take heart because He has overcome the world. He is faithful to be WITH us. He calls us to enter into the chaos boldly, knowing it will be hard, AND that we are not without Him. In Him we are more than conquerors. We are winners.